Jen Lampton and Twig in Core

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Join Addi chats while she chats with Jen Lampton about her Drupal history, her current work in Drupal 8, and big, scary animals. Jen is leading up the charge to get a new theme system into Drupal core, based on the Twig template engine, so we talk quite a bit about what that means, how it would change Drupal, and how everyone can help make it happen.

Podcast notes

BADcamp (Bay Area DrupalCamp) (Nov. 1 - 4, 2012 in Berkeley, CA, USA)
Jen's Panels video series

Gettin' Twiggy with it:
Twig template engine Twig issue overview
Drupal 8 Twig Git sandbox
Twig IRC channel: #drupal-twig
Drupal Ladder Twig outline (lessons will be written soon!)

Jen's contact info:
Jen's contact page on
@jenlampton on Twitter