Climbing the Drupal Ladder

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In this episode Addison Berry talks with Bryan Hirsch (bryanhirsch), Kay VanValkenburgh (kay_v), and Brock Boland (BrockBoland) about the Drupal Ladder, a community project to get more people involved in Drupal core, while also learning valuable skills for their Drupal work. What is it, what's the goal, and the whys and hows about jumping in are covered.

Podcast notes

Introduction to Omega 3.x video series
Drupal Global Training Days
Drupalize.Me "What is Drupal?" workshop (Dec. 14)
Drupal Ladder group discussion
Drupal Ladder distribution
Drupal Ladder IRC channel: #drupal-ladder
Core Mentoring
xjm's core presentation with some stats (from Aug 2011)

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