The Buzzr Demo Video - Making Drupal Usable

A few weeks ago, I put together an April Fool's Day post about a bunch of usability work that Lullabot had been doing with Drupal. My favorite April 1 posts are usually heavily based in reality, and, as we've mentioned previously, Lullabot has, in fact, been doing a lot of work trying to create a streamlined version of Drupal.

We started our project about a year ago, working with Karen McGrane from Bond Art + Science heading up our user experience work and Ed Sussman coordinating all of the business aspects of the project. We spent about 8 months building a prototype and started fund raising a little over 4 months ago. Having done all of this work on spec, and since it's still in flux, we were hesitant to share it publicly during our ongoing V.C. meetings. But as we've been watching the great usability work that Mark Boulton and Leisa Reichelt have been doing for Drupal 7, we've found that they're struggling with a lot of same issues that we have, and even starting to solve them in the same ways.

So rather than playing it conservatively and keeping our work hidden, we've decided to unveil it to the world and contribute our thinking to the usability discussion. Our project, now called Buzzr, is still moving forward and there are many more features and ideas that we are working on. But I've made this video to highlight many of our usability ideas and show how they were implemented... no joke!


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