What if a field title ends with a question mark?

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Isn't it kind of annoying that there is a colon right after the question mark?

I know this one has been bothering Matt for a long time. He's even submitted a core patch for it. But nothing has gotten in yet due to translation problems.

However I ran into this problem again while putting together our new contact form (using the amazing Webform Module). I decided to solve it in our theme and thought others might want to use this trick.

By copying the theme_form_element() function from the theme.inc and pasting it into our template.php file, we can do a little checking to see if the form element title ends with a punctuation character. And if so, suppress the trailing colon.

Here's what it looks like for Drupal 4.7. I'm guessing it'll be pretty similar, if not completely the same for Drupal 5:

 * Rewrite of theme_form_element() to suppress ":" if the title ends with a punctuation mark.
function phptemplate_form_element($title, $value, $description = NULL, $id = NULL, $required = FALSE, $error = FALSE) { 

  $output  = '
'."\n"; $required = $required ? '*' : ''; if ($title) { // I've added the next two lines $punctuation = array(',', '.', '?', '!', ':'); $colon = in_array($title[strlen($title)-1], $punctuation) ? '' : ':'; if ($id) { // I've modified this next bit $output .= ' ' . t('%title%colon %required', array('%title' => $title, '%required' => $required, '%colon' => $colon)) . "\n"; } else { // and this one too $output .= ' ' . t('%title%colon %required', array('%title' => $title, '%required' => $required, '%colon' => $colon)) . "\n"; } } $output .= " $value\n"; if ($description) { $output .= '
'. $description ."
\n"; } $output .= "
\n"; return $output; }

Sorry about the weird output. Some of the lines are a bit long.

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