Drupal Modules We Sponsor

We actively support, maintain, and improve Drupal modules that are used on thousands of websites.

Currently sponsored modules

We have over 10,000 commits to Drupal core and have contributed to over 270 modules, but these are the modules that get special attention. We use them on almost every project to make the lives of our clients easier. Our commitment means we respond to submitted issues in a timely manner, ensure the module is ready for the next Drupal release, and more. 

Environment Indicator

The Environment Indicator adds a coloured bar on the site informing you which environment you're currently in (Development, Staging, Production, etc.). This is incredibly useful if you have multiple environments for each of your sites and are prone to forgetting which version of the site you are currently looking at. 

Typed Entity

Typed Entity provides a simple way to treat entities like typed objects. This allows a more maintainable and easier-to-debug codebase. As well, it makes it much easier to write tests around custom code for content types. For in-depth details, see Write Better Code with Typed EntityMaintainable Code in Drupal: Wrapped Entities, and the video Write Better Code with Typed Entity

Type Tray

Type Tray replaces the default “node add” page with a page that can be displayed in a list or grid, includes icons for each content type, and organizes related content types together. For more information about Type Tray, see Find the Right Type of Content With GovHub’s Type Tray and Improve the Editorial Experience with Type Tray and Page Templates.

Simple Add More

Simple Add More improves the editorial experience by collapsing fields that have a maximum number of items to match what users see when a field is allowed to have an unlimited number of items. For example, instead of showing all five “Additional Links” fields, it will only show the first set of empty fields, with an “Add another item” button and a note of the maximum number of items allowed.