The Evergreen State College

Migrating and Modernizing a Customized Drupal Platform

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The Evergreen State College campus with clock tower

Evergreen State College offers a unique undergraduate experience. Students design their own curriculum instead of following the path of traditional majors with catalog-defined course requirements. 

The unique academic program required extensive custom solutions for finding, describing, and categorizing undergraduate courses. We ported and migrated a decade's worth of customizations to the latest version of Drupal while modernizing the front end for a refreshed design.

The Evergreen State College screenshots of Native Case Studies pages

Restructuring to remove outdated and unwanted content

We created a content matrix to organize and migrate content efficiently based on a content audit and new information architecture. The matrix identified content gaps early and made restructuring easy. By reducing over 90,000 nodes to under 3,000, we minimized migration costs and ensured the long-term manageability of the new website.

An intuitive editor experience for building flexible pages

Evergreen required flexible content for its diverse programs while desiring consistency across the site. We addressed this by ensuring flexibility without sacrificing user experience. Editors benefit from built-in, dynamic mockups of pages that reflect changes and updates before publication.

We also provided a comprehensive web authoring guide and training videos for confident content migration and administration.

A streamlined filtering tool for studies

Evergreen needed an efficient way for users to sort through their fields of study. We built a custom filtering tool to minimize the number of clicks required for users to find what they want. Potential students can now investigate Evergreen's offerings effortlessly from any location.

All of the hard work, dedication, troubleshooting and endless refinements everyone made resulted in something that exceeded all of my hopes. Thanks so much to the Lullabot team for being phenomenal partners.

Farra Hayes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Project credits

The following people contributed to the success of this project.

  • Laura Donelan

    Senior Technical Project Manager

  • Nate Lampton

    Senior Technical Architect

  • Adam Varn

    Senior Front-end Developer

  • Megh Plunkett

    Senior Content Strategist

Anchor to move to the services section


We provided the following kinds of services to help this project succeed.

  • Accessibility

  • Deployment

  • Drupal Development

  • Drupal Site Building

  • Front-end Architecture

  • Front-end Development

  • JavaScript

  • Technical Architecture

  • Technical Project Management

Get in touch with us

Tell us about your project or drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you!