Robert Douglass on the Drupal App Store and New Revenue Streams

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Robert Douglass of Acquia talks about the Drupal App Store debate that he started in the Drupal community at the beginning of 2011. Most Drupal work happens from development hours that are paid for once, and usually stop after the site is launched. Douglass sees the trend of more and more Drupal products being created, which is going to bring in new and more recurring revenue streams for developers. An app store would also allow new types of consumers who are just looking to easily and conveniently get the functionality that they need, and may not even be aware that Drupal's open source community is creating it. Douglass talks about some of the ideas that he was presenting in his Drupal As a Mature Software Industry presentation that he and Phase2 Technology's Jeff Walpole gave at DrupalCon Chicago. He also discusses whether or not he thinks that there should be more formalized compensation for Drupal developers whose work is included within a Drupal product that is successfully monitized.

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