Stephanie Pakrul on the Fusion Theme and Monetizing Drupal

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Stephanie Pakrul (aka stephthegeek) of Top Notch Themes talks about their latest Fusion theme and related store that sells Fusion Drupal Themes.

Fusion is powered in part by the Skinr module and provides a user interface for customizing the layout of your Drupal site and grid system.

Pakrul also mentions their Acquia Prosper theme which is a theme for Ubercart for Drupal 6.

Pakrul also takes a look at some of the new theming features in Drupal 7 that she's excited about. And finally, she talks about the other two sessions that she was involved with including the Monetizing Drupal panel as well as one on Conversion Rate Optimization.

For more information on the Fusion theme, be sure to check out their DrupalCon session called "Theming with Fusion: a new approach for layout and modular styles"