Tom Geller on Drupal Training

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Tom Geller describes how he started writing and producing videos about Drupal, and discusses some of his latest Drupal 7 material including the The Drupal 7 Visual Quickstart Guide book and training videos. He talks about some of the challenges of creating training material for Drupal while it's still under development, and what he's paying attention to in the Drupal community.

Geller also shares some of his open questions about the Drupal training space in terms what's in between material geared towards beginners that he focuses on and material targeted to more advanced Drupal users, which he sees sites like addressing. Since Lullabot also produces a number of different training materials, my take on that question was that there's a lot of middle ground in producing training material that are targeting site building recipes like the Using Drupal book that Lullabot produced for O'Reilly and the Fantasy Sites that are built as a part of the Do It With Drupal conference.

Since the recording of this podcast at DrupalCon Chicago, Geller has joined Acquia as their Director of Content and Communications.