Drupal Commerce 2.x with the "Guys" from the Commerce Guys

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Matt and Mike sit down to deep-dive into the Drupal 8 version of Drupal Commerce with Ryan Szrama, Bojan Zivanovic, Matt Glamon, in addition to Lullabot's own Matt Robison.

Episode Guests

Bojan Zivanovic

Bojan is the Drupal Commerce 2.x Lead at Commerce Guys, and is a prolific contributor to Drupal including on Views, VBO, Inline Entity Form, and Commerce

Matt Glaman

Portrait Photo of Matt Glaman

An Acquia Principal Software Engineer, Matt is the author of Drupal 8 Development Cookbook, and many of the useful tools you should be using while writing code for Drupal websites.

Matt Robison

Matt Robison wearing a dark gray button down shirt in front a gray background.

Matt is a former content writer and strategist at Lullabot.

More about Matt

Ryan Szrama

I lead Drupal Commerce at Commerce Guys, try to husband and father, and love Greenville, SC.