The Dark Art of Web Design

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Matt & Mike sit down with Lullabot's entire design team and talk the ins, outs, processes and tools behind sites such as, MSNBC, This Old House, and more!

Episode Guests

Jared Ponchot

Jared Ponchot wearing a dark button down shirt in front of a gray background.

As Lullabot's Chief Creative Officer, Jared leads the Design team. He regularly speaks about UX and design at conferences around the globe.

More about Jared

Maggie Griner


Maggie Griner fell in love with web design during the last class of her senior year of college and has pursued that passion ever since.

More about Maggie

Jen Witkowski

Jen Witkowski wearing a teal top in front of a blue background.

Jen Witkowski is the Associate Design Director at Lullabot with a passion for creating well-architected websites that provide a great user experience for desktop and mobile devices.

More about Jen

Jen Witkowski

Jen Witkowski wearing a teal top in front of a blue background.

Jen Witkowski is the Associate Design Director at Lullabot with a passion for creating well-architected websites that provide a great user experience for desktop and mobile devices.

More about Jen

Marissa Epstein

Marissa Epstein is a woman in her mid-30s with long brown hair shaved on one side, wearing a purple and black blouse, purple cat-eye glasses, a silver necklace, and a smirk.

Marissa is a former senior user experience strategist at Lullabot.

More about Marissa