The Lullabot Approach to Sales

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Mike and Matt sit down (literally!) with Lullabot's sales team. Learn how Lullabot does sales, and what it takes to sell large projects.

Group of Lullabots posing for a group shot in the woods in Portland, Oregon.

Episode Guests

Brian Skowron

Brian Skowron wearing blue button down shirt with dark gray sweater in front of a gray background.

Brian's been with Lullabot since 2011. He helps manage almost all aspects of our client relationships. Brian lives in Dallas, TX with his wife, Adrienne, and son, Dashiell.

More about Brian

Seth Brown

Photo of Seth Brown, white male wearing a white button down oxford shirt in front of a gray background.

Seth Brown is Lullabot's CEO and serves on the Board of Directors.

More about Seth

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