The New Olivero Theme – Awesome to the Core

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A group of Lullabots (and Former 'bot and podcast co-host Mike Herchel) get together to discuss the new Default theme in Drupal 9 and 10 that they helped build.

The theme called "Olivero" is as beautiful as it is flexible and accessible.

The team talks about the immense amount of work it took for a project of such high visibility in the Drupal community.

Episode Guests

Jared Ponchot

Jared Ponchot wearing a dark button down shirt in front of a gray background.

As Lullabot's Chief Creative Officer, Jared leads the Design team. He regularly speaks about UX and design at conferences around the globe.

More about Jared

Jen Witkowski

Jen Witkowski wearing a teal top in front of a blue background.

Jen Witkowski is the Associate Design Director at Lullabot with a passion for creating well-architected websites that provide a great user experience for desktop and mobile devices.

More about Jen

Andy Blum

Andy Blum wearing a blue polo shirt in front of gray background.

Andy Blum is a front-end developer and Acquia Certified Front-End Specialist.

More about Andy