State governments are composed of many different agencies and brands, each with unique website needs, use cases, and visual styles. However, consistency in digital government must be maintained across the platform to ensure accessibility and give visitors confidence they are in the right place.
Is it possible to balance consistency with flexibility? To have a unified system that also allows freedom regarding visual style? Yes.
In this webinar, you will learn how to:
Andrea Piekarczyk is the communications specialist for the Bureau of HIV, STI, and Hepatitis at the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS). Currently, Andrea manages the Stop HIV Iowa brand and provides a wide range of communications, advertising, and design support for the bureau.
Stephanie Ganzer is a Senior UI Designer who started her career by focusing on branding, print design and marketing, then worked her way into the digital landscape.
More about StephanieAlycia Jones is a Senior UI Designer with a strong background in visual design and creative arts. She helps organizations build scalable systems and craft visually compelling, accessible designs.
More about AlyciaPublished in: