Web Accessibility Q&A: Simplicity, Testing, and Remediation

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day we hosted an enlightening discussion that explores the common web accessibility issues people face every day. 

Along with DubBot, Providence College, and Iowa's Department for the Blind, we covered the transformative impact of small actions, the importance of proper accessibility testing with diverse users, and remediation concerns.

We can help you ensure your websites meet accessibility standards. Learn more about our audit.


Webinar Presenters

Kerri Hicks

Kerri Hicks headshot

Kerri is the Assistant Director for Web Development and Web Accessibility at Providence College.

Penny Kronz

Penny Kronz headshot

Penny is Vice President of client services at DubBot.

Claire Ristow

Claire Ristow wearing a brown boho shirt in front of a gray background.

Claire Ristow is a front-end developer at Lullabot, with expertise in Drupal, Javascript, CSS, and Twig.

More about Claire

Chris Albrecht

Chris Albrecht wearing a dark button down shirt in front of a gray background.

Back-end Drupal Developer turned Project Manager, Chris has worked on high-profile projects for IBM, Syfy, and more.

More about Chris

Luis Gutierrez

Luis is a technology instructor at Iowa Blindness Empowerment and Independence Center.

Leland Smith

Leland is a service specialist at the Iowa Library for the Blind.

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