I caught up with Turner's Global Tech & Ops Lead Recruiter, Amy Loudermilk, at DrupalCamp Atlanta. Amy dishes on Turner's employee culture, why the local DrupalCamp is so important, and chickens.
From YAMLForm to WebForm, Jacob spearheaded the port of Drupal's most popular form builder into D8. Why take on such a task? When is the first stable release? All that and more as BTS returns!
Matthew Tift talks with Dr. Joanne Armitage about performing with ALGOBABEZ, her live coding workshops for women and non-binary people, narratives around failure, inclusion and diversity, and more
Mike and Matt are joined by Joe Shindelar from Drupalize.Me and Baddý Breidert an organizer of Drupal Europe, a huge conference that's being billed as "A family reunion for the Drupal community."
Matthew Saunders, the Engineering Lead for various programs at Pfizer, talks about managing a distributed team of developers across the globe, his work with the Colorado Drupal Community, and theater!
Acquia's Director of Research and Innovation, Preston So, dishes about delivering keynote presentations on diversity and inclusion, the state of decoupled Drupal, and the Travel Channels newest star.
Senior Director of Technology for USA and Syfy, Jeff Vargas talks managing two high-traffic TV brands, how NBCUniversal has adopted Drupal as its go-to CMS, and what the heck is a library card?
Drupal relies on Symfony, and Symfony relies on Nicolas Grekas. Nicolas takes us behind the scenes of the project, tells us how Drupal and Symfony work together, and explains why he loves DrupalCon.
In this episode, Matthew Tift talks with Mike Hodnick (aka Kindohm) about live coding, TidalCycles, performing with other live coders, creating new sounds, and much more
Elli Ludwigson fills us in on how a DrupalCon sprint day comes together and how you can participate, either as a mentor, sprinter, or planner. And, always put up some flowers to appease the neighbors.
Lingotek's Director of Integrations, Joshua Solomon, tells us how Lingotek can translate your site into any language using real people, how to get it running in Drupal 8, plus bees and chickens.
Bikino Ildephonse came to DrupalCon Nashville to soak up as much Drupal knowledge as possible to take back to his community in Rwanda, from translating to Kinyarwanda to running Drupal 8 locally.