All software companies rely on open source. FOSS needs maintainers to stay motivated. In this article, I propose an action item to improve the life of these volunteers with a small change.
In part two of this series, a group of Lullabots share their journeys into technology, which tools they use on a regular basis, the skills they're learning, and what they'd tell their younger selves.
Why spend time on Drupal's UI? New Lullabot, Cristina Chumillas, tells us about the UI initiative and why it's important, the new Claro theme, and strangest thing she's ever eaten.
Docksal co-maintainer and BADCamp co-organizer, Sean Dietrich, talks about what it takes to run a camp website, why he became a Docksal co-maintainer, and why we could all use a little more time.
I catch up with Brendan Blaine, a developer for the Drupal Association, to find out what it takes to run, why the conferences run so smoothly, and always remember to use a coaster.
Can't make a Drupal camp? Kevin Thull has you covered! Kevin donates his time recording sessions at most North American Drupal camps. I find out why, and what food to bribe him with.
Developer turned Community Liaison for the Drupal Association, Rachel Lawson fills us in on why this is an important role for her and the Drupal project. Plus, a motorbike tour of Europe and Asia?